Sunday, February 28, 2010


hmm.... Meebo, do's and don'ts.

I've looked over Meebo and have a little past experience with it, some pro's and some very bad cons that actually turned me away from it, not to say I'm bad mouthing the creator of it, its just my direct thoughts on it. so lets get started.


- Instant access across variety of instant message platforms via a web page view.
- Real time chat via web page interface


- Caching: This website will register your password, weather you choose so or not and will cache the information in a temporary file on the computer you are on which with the right sort of mind can be accessed rather easily.

- Data feedback: from time to time the website due to its real time interface will spit back all you have typed into one massive message which at times may cause it to lag or your own net services to lag ((time out or un-synchronize)) and become unresponsive.

- Extremely sensitive icons: Will at times if you click once, will double/triple post the same thing due to being real time sensitive.

Over all view, I am somewhat iffy about using it, but in local places I would recommend other services if they were plausible. Within a group environment It would be given the ok, since its multiple users on it so as to mix and match data that is cached saved. Over overall I would try to use something different such as Pidgin or Kamteo, as both are more secure, more user friendly.

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting, Scott. A good idea would be to give the web address for meebo as a link, too
